Monday, February 19, 2007

Cookbook Review - The South Beach Diet Quick & Easy Cookbook

Don't let the name fool you; this cookbook is useful even for those not following the South Beach Diet.

To be honest, before receiving a copy of "The South Beach Diet Quick & Easy Cookbook" (Rodale, 2005), I didn't know much about the South Beach Diet. I was under the assumption that it was another diet program that forbids all carbs - even good carbs. Much to my surprise, I couldn't have been more wrong! The premise of the South Beach Diet program is in line with my own philosophy: a lifestyle change in which one changes the way they eat (from unhealthy to healthy), and is a way of life that can definitely be adapted to. The South Beach Diet is based on the healthiest way to eat: good fats, good carbs, lean protein, lots of fiber, and nutrient-dense whole foods.

While "The South Beach Diet Quick & Easy Cookbook" may have been written for South Beach dieters who were getting bored with their basic South Beach recipes, it appeals to everyone who wants to eat healthy. Included in this cookbook are 200 recipes that area ready in 30 minutes or less, with most requiring only 10 ingredients or less. In today's hectic world, this cookbook is great for saving cooking and shopping time!

Some of the recipes included are: buttermilk waffles with jam, tuna pasta salad, chicken quesadillas, and mini cocoa swirl cheesecakes (which are delicious, by the way). Those following the South Beach plan can easily find recipes to make according to which phase of the program they are in as each recipe is labeled as being Phase 1, 2 or 3. For those not following the South Beach plan, there is also nutritional information listed including serving size, calories, fat, saturated fat, protein, carbs, fiber, and sodium.

Not only are there full-color photos throughout, there's also information on dishes you can make without a recipe, advice on preparing foods ahead of time to make weeknight cooking a breeze, a glossary of ingredients, and food safety tips. The cookbook is broken down into the following sections:


Soups & Snacks


Fish & Shellfish


Beef, Pork & Lamb

Vegetarian Entrees



One thing I found is that certain salads are sometimes listed in other sections, such as the Beef, Pork & Lamb section, but this is understandable since the salad recipe includes beef.

Recommend for anyone who wants to eat healthier and have a variety of healthy recipes at their fingertips.

Jennifer Murray is a Certified Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist and Shaklee Independent Distributor. She writes on a variety of topics including healthy foods and living a healthy lifestyle.

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